Register of Gifts - Council Members and CEO

The Gifts Registers contain those disclosures of gifts that have been made by Council Members, the Chief Executive Officer and Employees in their official capacity.

The Act and Regulations require the Chief Executive Officer to publish an up to date version of the Gifts Registers on the Shire’s website after a disclosure is made. To protect the privacy of individuals, the registers published on the website do not include the address disclosed by an individual donor and will instead include the town or suburb mentioned in the address.

Gift Register
Name of person making disclosure Description of gift Name and address of person who made gift Date gift was received Estimated value of gift at time it was made Nature of relationship between person who made gift and person who received gift For a gift that is a travel contribution - description and date of travel For an excluded gift under s.5.62(1B)(a): the date of the approval refereed to in s.5.62(1B)(a)(ii) and the reasons for the approval
Aaron Cook Frequent Flyer Points - July 2024 to December 2024 Virgin Australia
Shire of Coolgardie
04/02/2025 $728.00 Acting CEO - Travel Description: Frequent Flyer points accumulated from Acting CEO flights Kalgoorlie to Perth return for period July 2024 to December 2024
Aaron Cook Frequent Flyer Points - January 2025 Virgin Australia
Shire of Coolgardie
04/02/2025 $168.00 Acting CEO - Travel Description: Frequent Flyer points accumulated from Acting CEO flights Kalgoorlie to Perth return for period January 2025
Tracey Rathbone A ticket to attend the KBCCI Womens Leadership Forum 2023 as a Shire of Coolgardie representative for Silver Sponsorship of the event Shire of Coolgardie
Irish Mulga Drive
14/07/2023 $165.00 Elected Member of the Shire of Coolgardie
Cr. Tracey Rathbone ASIST Suicide Intervention and First Aid training Hope Community Services
Brookman St, Kalgoorlie
29/05/2023 $0.00 Elected member for the Shire of Coolgardie.
Cr. Tracey Rathbone Scholarship Leading Australian Resilient Communities Intensive Leadership Program Scholarship
22/02/2023 $0.00 Elected member for the Shire of Coolgardie.
Tracey Rathbone Invited to represent the Shire of Coolgardie at Historical Warden Finnerty House Sundowner Coolgardie Day Celebration Committee
Coolgardie, Western Australia
17/09/2022 $20.00 Elected member for the Shire of Coolgardie.
Tracey Rathbone General Admission pass to Rodeo event in Coolgardie Outback Rodeo
Coolgardie, Western Australia
20/08/2021 $58.00 Elected member for the Shire of Coolgardie.
James Trail Bus trip to the Mitchel Medal count 2019 Kambalda Football Club
Kambalda, Western Australia
02/09/2019 $105.60 Local Football Club
James Trail Tickets to the Mitchel Medal Goldfields Football League
Kalgoorlie, Western Australia
15/08/2019 $80.00 Local Football League
Tracey Rathbone 2x Tickets for Annual Goldfields Giants Basketball Game Shire of Coolgardie
Irish Mulga Drive
11/06/2019 $20.00 Elected Member for the Shire of Coolgardie
Cr Tracey Rathbone 50th Celebration Kambalda Football Club
Kambalda Recreation Facility Barnes Drives
16/05/2018 $340.00 Community Group
Cr Tracey Rathbone Safe talk mental health training Hope community services
Hope Community services Brookman street Kalgoorlie
06/03/2018 $0.00 Associate
Cr Tracey Rathbone Ticket to 125th Coolgardie Day Celebrations cabaret Coolgardie Day Committee
Coolgardie, Western Australia
16/09/2017 $20.00 Councillor and Nonprofit organisation
Cr Tracey Rathbone Plant Cr Kathy Lindup
Kambalda Resident
29/10/2016 $15.00 Councillors
Cr Tracey Rathbone GTNA Tourist Pack Kalgoorlie BoulderVisitors Centre
Hannan Street Kalgoorlie
26/07/2016 $60.00 Tourism
Cr Malcolm Cullen Travel and Accommodation WALGA
Railway Pde, West Leederville
20/06/2016 $2,800.00 State Council Date: 20/06/2016
Description: -
Cr Malcolm Cullen Travel and Accommodation WALGA
Railway Pde, West Leederville
01/12/2015 $796.00 State Council Date: 1/12/2015
Description: -
Cr Malcolm Cullen Xmas Gift WALGA
Railway Pde, West Leederville
01/12/2015 $30.00 State Council
Cr Malcolm Cullen Meal WALGA
Railway Pde, West Leederville
01/12/2015 $30.00 State Council
Cr Malcolm Cullen Meal WALGA
Railway Pde, West Leederville
01/12/2015 $105.00 State Council
Cr Malcolm Cullen Meal WALGA
Railway Pde, West Leederville
01/12/2015 $48.00 State Council

Register of Gifts and Travel to 18 October 2019

Prior to the amendments to the Local Government Act 1995 proclaimed on the 18 October 2019, local governments were required to maintain a register of gifts and travel contributions received by the Mayor, Elected Members, Chief Executive Officer and relevant employees. This register is now redundant but is required to remain publicly available.

View Register of Gifts and Travel to 18 October 2019