
Drones are regulated under Federal Government aviation legislation.  The Commonwealth Privacy Act 1988 and State Surveillance Devices Act 1998 regulate aspects of drone use. 

Local Governments have limited powers to regulate the use of drones except on lands under Local Government control.

What are the rules for flying Drones?

CASA has guidelines that require that drones or similar devices must be operated:

  • During the day
  • Within visual line of sight (this means being able to see the aircraft with your own eyes rather than through a device) at all times
  • You must not fly your drone higher than 120 metres (400ft) above the ground.
  • You must keep your drone at least 30 metres away from other people.
  • You must not fly over or above people. This could include beaches, parks, events, or sports ovals where there is a game in progress.
  • You must only fly one drone at a time.

Do I need to get approval from the Shire of Coolgardie to fly a drone?

Generally, you do not need approval from the Shire to fly a drone within Coolgardie, you are required to comply with Australia's Civil Aviation and Safety Authority (CASA) Guidelines restrict drone use to certain areas.

You are required to obtain approval from the Shire of Coolgardie to fly a Drone near the Kambalda Airport.

Can I fly at any parks and reserves in the Shire of Coolgardie?

No.  CASA Guidelines restrict drone use to certain areas.

Kambalda Airport – Restrictions 

No-Fly zones vary depending on whether the aerodrome is controlled or uncontrolled. In short you should contact the Shire prior to each drone flight to ensure that your drone does not interfere with airport operations of other aerial activities.

It is illegal to fly a drone for commercial gain.

Flying commercially or for economic gain is illegal, unless you have your remote pilot licence or are flying in the sub-2kg category.    

For further information on Drones, please contact CASA on 131 757 visit www.casa.gov.au/drone.

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