Granny Flats / Ancillary Dwellings

Ancillary Dwelling (granny flats) What is an Ancillary Dwelling? 

The Residential Design Codes (R-Codes) is a state planning document and applies development controls over all residential developments in Western Australia, including an Ancillary Dwelling. The R-Codes define an Ancillary Dwelling as:

“A self-contained dwelling on the same lot as a single house which may be attached to, integrated with or detached from the single house” 

An Ancillary Dwelling is commonly referred to as a ‘granny flat’. 

Will I need an application for development approval? 

As Ancillary Dwellings are classified in the same way as a single house, an Application for Development Approval is only required if the proposal does not meet the deemed-to comply requirements of the R-Codes.

Please note that the requirement for an Ancillary Dwelling to be located on the same lot as a Single House cannot be varied. 

In the event that an Application for Development Approval is required, it is the applicant’s responsibility to demonstrate that the ancillary dwelling meets the applicable design principles of the R-Codes. It is also recommended that comments and signed plans are obtained from any adjoining property owners and occupiers that may be impacted by the development.

What are the development requirements for an Ancillary Dwelling? 

An Ancillary Dwelling is required to comply with the requirements of both the R-Codes and the City’s Residential Development Local Planning Policy. The deemed-to-comply provisions of the R-Codes require an ancillary dwelling to meet the following requirements:

  • Be located on the same lot as a single house and have a minimum lot size of 450m2. Ancillary dwellings cannot be approved on a grouped dwelling lot. 
  • Have a maximum floor area of 70m2.
  • Provide an additional car bay (in addition to car parking provided for the main house) where the lot is not within 800 metres of a train station, or 250 metres from a high frequency bus route. This car bay must comply with the relevant Australian Standards.
  • Comply with all other requirements of the RCodes which apply to a single house, with the exception of site area (not including open space), street surveillance and outdoor living areas; and
  • Where visible from the street, complement the existing house by way of scale, roof design, detailing, window size, material and colours in accordance with the Shires Policies.

Additional requirements may also apply if the subject property is located within a structure plan area.

How do I make an application for development approval? 

Generally, the following information will be required as part of any application for development approval:

  • Application for development approval form.
  • Completed checklist – Development (Planning) Application Checklist – Residential.
  • Development application fee in accordance with the Planning Services fees and charges.
  • Site plan, floor plans and building elevations (Please refer to the checklist for information required on the plans); and
  • A letter providing details of the proposed development and written justification addressing any aspects of the development that require the Shire to undertake a performance assessment against the R-Codes.

      Application forms, development application checklists and further information on the application for development approval process is available on the Shire’s Planning Application Requirements page.

      What fees will apply? 

      Please refer to Shire’s Planning Services fees and charges within the Shire's current annual fees and charges.

      Will I need a building permit? 

      A building permit will be required for all Ancillary Dwellings. 

      How do I make an application for building permit?

      Please refer to the Shire’s Building Permit Requirements page for more information regarding building permits.

      What fees will apply? 

      Please refer to the Building Services fees and charges within the Shire's current annual fees and charges.

      Further information

      The R-Codes are available for viewing online at

      For further information please visit the Shire’s website at or visit the Shires Customer Service Counters at the Coolgardie Community Recreation Centre and Kambalda Community Recreation Facility or by phoning the Development Services on 9080 2111 or email

      Related Links

      FACTSHEET - Granny Flats 

      FACTSHEET - Planning Reform Granny Flats