Sewerage Connection Application

Approval Conditions

The following conditions apply to the Shire of Coolgardie Council connection applications:

  • Installations are subject to Shire of Coolgardie Council Standards
  • Plans are valid for 12 months from the approval date
  • Work sites must be clear of obstructions at the entrance
  • All lots must be clear of obstructions at the entrance
  • All lots must be clearly marked wit property pegs
  • The property owner must grant Shire of Coolgardie Council permission to enter the property to undertake requested works

 All applicable fees and charges for the connection works shall be paid prior to commencement of any works.

The owner or the owner’s agent (plumber) shall provide a minimum of five (5) working days’ notice of intention to commence sewer construction / alteration works. Major projects or complicated connections will require additional time.

Connection is not permitted until after the completion of all underfloor / underground sewer drains.

The plumber shall ensure that there is no damage to Shire of Coolgardie’s connection point and / or sewer, and that approved backfill is used and compacted within 150mm of the pipework.

An inspection shaft shall be provided in accordance with Shire of Coolgardie’s standard plan. The inspection shall terminate at ground level and shall be finished with approved cover.

Where a new point of connection is requested / required, Shire of Coolgardie’s operations will complete the connection to the sewer main.

Proposed Plans are required for:

  1. Single Residential & Multiple residential occupancies (units etc.). A detailed  plan of plumbing installations showing location of pipes,  inspection openings  etc.
  2. Commercial / Industrial – A clear site plan of the proposed works to scale is required.
  3. All operations are carried out in accordance with Australian Standards Plumbing Code.

 Plans should include:

  1. Measurements and ties
  2. Inspection openings and shafts
  3. Underfloor drains
  4. Location of existing sewer mains
  5. Location of Man holes
  6. Overflow relief gullies
  7. North point & road names
  8. Outline of block and buildings.
Proposed Work (Initial sewer plan required to be lodged for commercial & multi units)*This field is required.

Type of work (please tick if applicable)
Further Comments

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