
What is a carport?

A carport is defined as a roofed structure designed to accommodate one or more motor vehicles, unenclosed except to the extent that it abuts a dwelling or a property boundary on one side, and being without a door unless that door is visually permeable (see through)

If a carport includes a solid door which is not visually permeable, it is considered to be a garage and different requirements will apply.

The R-Codes set out the provisions for setbacks and size.

Is Planning Approval required

  • YES - Planning approval is required where a residential carport that does not meet the exempt development setback provisions below.
  • YES - All carports to multiple dwellings, commercial developments or caravan parks will require a development (planning) application.
  •  NO - Exempt development is a residential carport to a single house or grouped dwelling where it complies with the following:
  •  Setbacks
    • Street boundary – a minimum of 2 metres
    • Secondary street boundary (corner lots) – a minimum of 1.5 metres
    • Side boundary: 0m for wall length less than 9 metres or 1.5m for wall length more than 9 metres
  • The combined width is less than 50% of the lot frontage (Street property boundary).
  • Design – allows unobstructed views between the dwelling and the Street.
  • Where new hardstand (driveways) is being built, 50% of the street setback area is landscaped.

Do I need a Building permit?

  • YES, A building permit application will be required for a carport.

Building Permit Requirements

Building permits are controlled by the Building Act 2011 and the Building Regulations 2012. A permit is required for any building works involving the construction of structures, alterations or extensions and changes to ground levels. The Shires Building Permit Requirements page outlines the application requirements including forms, plans, supporting material and statutory fees. This information can be found on the Shires website or from either the Coolgardie Community Recreation Centre or Kambalda Community Recreation Facility.

Neighbour Approval / Comments

  • NO - Not Required - Exempt development – Neighbour approval is not required.
  • YES - Required Consultation - Where a development application (planning approval) is required and/or the proposed carport includes a setback variation, then the adjoining, affected Neighbour (landowner(s) consultation is required. If the neighbour objects to the variations the proposal may require Council determination.

Related Links

FACTSHEET - Carports - Residential