Building Permit Requirements

Building Permits

Building permits are controlled by the Building Act 2011 and the Building Regulations 2012. A permit is required for any building works involving the construction of structures, alterations or extensions and changes to ground levels.

Works include (but are not limited to):

  • Commercial buildings including fitouts and refurbishments
  • Residential dwellings including additions and alterations
  • Carports, sheds, garages and workshops
  • Decking, patios, verandahs, gazebos and pergolas
  • Swimming pools and spas
  • Rainwater tanks
  • Front fences and retaining

A building permit must be obtained before commencing any building work. If you are unsure whether a building permit is required, please contact the Shire Development Services on 9080 2111. 

For information on the kinds of work for which a building permit is not required please click here

Certified and uncertified applications

There are two types of building permit applications, certified and uncertified.

Certified applications (BA1 Form) are:

  • submitted when the applicant has already engaged a private building surveyor to check the plans and specifications of the proposed
  • They complete a certificate of design compliance, confirming that the proposal complies with the applicable building This takes place before the application for a building permit is submitted to the Shire to assess.
  • The Shire then has 10 business days to decide on a certified

Uncertified applications (BA2 Form) are:

  • submitted directly to the Shire without a certificate of design
  • An independent building surveyor is appointed by the Shire to check the proposal and provide a certificate of design compliance.
  • The Shire has 25 business days to decide on an uncertified

Building Permit application requirements

  • Application for Building Permit Form, either certified (BA1 Form) or uncertified (BA2 Form)
  • One set of architectural and structural drawings, site plan and details (scale of 1:100 for architectural and structural; 1:200 for site plan; and 1:50 or 1:10 for details), please provide electronic copies of plans.
  • The architectural drawings must include a site and floor plan, with elevations and provide all dimensions, levels, height of each story and the construction details of walls and roof.
  • Structural details must be signed by a certified practicing structural
  • The site plan must include all setbacks from boundaries, contour levels, floor levels, lot number, house number, street name, north point, existing and proposed buildings, sewer and stormwater lines and easements, position of street trees, light poles, crossovers and street drainage.
  • Payment of Building Permit Fees

Please note that:

  • All conditions of Development Approval should be cleared with the Shire’s Planning Services team before submitting a Building Permit application, accompanied by a clearance letter issued by the Shire’s Planning
  • The building permit drawings must match those of your Development Approval stamped drawing and DA Conditions Clearance drawings.
  • Accompanying the drawings should be the specifications, an addendum and other information such as termite treatment and energy efficiency compliance checklist.
  • Please take the time to check that the application is An incomplete application may be returned, and the fees forfeited.