Repurposed and Second-hand Dwellings

What are Repurposed dwellings and Second-hand Dwellings?

The Shire Local planning Scheme defines various type or residential dwellings as follows

Dwelling Type Definitions Land use Permissibility
  • Repurposed Dwellings as

A building or structure not previously used as a single house, which has been repurposed for use as a dwelling.

This classification includes the repurposing of Dongas and Sea-Containers into residential dwellings


  • Second-hand Dwelling
A dwelling that has been in a different location, and has been dismantled and transported to another location, but does not include a new modular or transportable dwelling. Discretionary

The Residential Planning Codes (R-Codes) is a State Planning document that details the development controls that apply to all residential dwellings.

A full copy of the R-Codes is available on the Shire Website: or Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage website at

Do I need Planning approval? 

Yes: planning approval is required for all repurposed dwellings (including sea-contain and donga homes) and second-hand dwellings

The planning matters relating to these types of dwellings, include the following: -

  • Appearance and street elevation, and associated modification and enhancements to ensure the proposed dwelling includes: -
    • Exterior Design incorporates street facing windows, front door, verandah, roof and
    • Exterior façade, materials and finishes including front fencing is
    • Interior includes all elements of a dwellings as defined in the planning, buildings and health provision (living rooms, bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, laundry) within the dwelling.
  • Compliance with the R-Codes provisions such as setbacks, size, access, parking, streetscape appearance.
  • The Shire may impose a condition requiring some form of financial bond ensuring exterior and Façade works are completed in a timely manner.

Will I need a Building permit?

YES:  A building permit is required for all repurposed and second-hand dwellings.

Site details

Information on your property, lot sizes, dimensions and recent aerial imagery is available from: -

Further information

For further information please visit the Shire’s website at or visit the Shires Customer Service Counters or by phoning the Development Services on 9080 2111 or email

Related Links

FACTSHEET - Repurposed and Secondhand Dwellings