Completion of Building Works

Completion of Building Works

Once building works have been completed the responsible person (builder or demolition contractor named on a permit) must issue a Notice of Completion (BA7 Form) within seven days of the completion of work.

Notice of Completion: BA7

A Notice of Completion (BA7) must be submitted to the Shire within 7 days of completion of work, or the stage of work, for which the permit was granted. This establishes the end date of the permit for compliance and record keeping purposes. The person named as builder or demolition contractor remains liable for the building or demolition complying with the Building Act until a notice of cessation (BA8) or a notice of completion (BA7) is issued.

All works that require a building permit are required to submit a Notice of Completion.

As per the Building Act 2011:

Part 2 Building and Demolition Permits
Division 4 Duration of Building or Demolition Permits
33. Notice of completion

  1. The responsible person in relation to a permit must, within seven days of completion of work, or the stage of work, for which the permit was granted, give notice of completion to a relevant permit
    Penalty: a fine of $10,000
  2. A notice of completion must:
    a. Be in an approved
    b. State the work, or stage of the work, for which the permit was granted, is completed.
    c. Be accompanied by a copy of a certificate for each inspection or test mentioned in section 25(3)(h) or (4)(f) that applies to the permit.

       Submission of your BA7 and relating documentation can be done in person at the Shire office or by email to

      Purchasing a house or other building

      As the buyer, you will be responsible for contracting and paying for a suitably qualified building inspector, surveyor or architect to provide a professional building inspection report.

      Notice of cessation (BA8)

      The person named as the builder on a building permit may, before completion of the works or stage of work for which the permit was granted, formally advise the Shire that they are no longer the responsible person for the project. This is done by submitting a notice of cessation (BA8 form).

      Within seven days of giving a notice of cessation to the Shire, the builder must provide a copy of the notice to the owner of the building or incidental structure to which the permit applies.