Notice of Special Meeting

Published on Thursday, 2 March 2023 at 8:40:00 AM

In accordance with Regulation 12 of the Local Government (Administration) Regulations, notice is hereby given that a Special Meeting of Council will be held on Tuesday, 07 March 2023 commencing at 3.00pm at the Kambalda Recreation Facility, Barnes Drive, Kambalda.

For the amended purpose of:

  1. 2023 OCM Schedule and Draft Policy
  2. Reportable Conduct Scheme
  3. Freedom of Information Statement
  4. Draft Memorandum of Understanding - Judumul Aboriginal Corporation
  5. FMR - request for invoice adjustment due to cessation of haulage campaign
  6. Haulage Campaign - Bellini Bulk Haulage
  7. List of Payments - December 2022
  8. List of Payments - January 2023
  9. Monthly Financial Statements for the period ended 31 December 2022
  10. Monthly Financial Statements for the period ended 31 January 2023
  11. 2022/23 Budget Review
  12. Community user Agreement -Judumul Aboriginal Corporation
  13. Reimbursement of Fees
  14. Rates - 3 Year Sale - A4282
  15. Rates - 3 Year Sale - A3265
  16. Rates - 3 Year Sale - A3190
  17. Rates - 3 Year Sale - A1470
  18. CEO Performance Review
  19. 36 Bed Workers Accommodation -Woodward Street
  20. Tender 01/2023 -Bluebush Expansion Plumbing & Electrical Installation Works
  21. Disposal of Lease -Lot 2435 on Plan 107089


James Trail

Chief Executive Officer