Kid Snow Film Production

Published on Thursday, 19 May 2022 at 4:12:29 PM

The Shire of Coolgardie are excited to host the film production Kid Snow and wish to inform you that filming will commence from Monday 23 May

This will result in intermittent traffic management on:

  • Coolgardie North Road – Tuesday 31 May
  • Nepean Rd Bullabulling – Thursday 9 June


Filming is also scheduled on Woodward Street and at the Old Drill Hall.


Road Users and pedestrians can expect minimal delays.

  • Road users are urged to slow down when approaching the area, obey all signs and signals and show courtesy to other road users.
  • Residential homes and those impacted have been advised of the production via the production team


For further information please contact the Location Manager, 𝐨𝐧 0403 995 751.