
Not only does littering make our town look untidy, but it is also bad for our environment and wildlife in the area. Any form of littering is an offence and if caught may incur an infringement.

As per the regulations, the following penalties apply:

Litter Penalties
Offence Penalty (Individual) Penalty (Body Corporate)
Littering creating public risk $500 $2,000
Littering - any other litter $200 $500
Breaking glass, metal or earthenware $500 $2,000
Bill posting $200 $500
Bill posting on vehicle $200 $500
Depositing domestic or commerical waste in public litter receptacle $200 $500
Trasporting load inadequately secured $200 n/a

Shire Ranger’s strongly encourage residents to utilise Waste Disposal Sites for all large amounts of waste that need to be disposed of and for all waste that is unsuitable for the Shire supplied household green bins. 

All general waste disposal is free for residents.

Illegal Dumping

Shire Rangers are constantly patrolling the streets and surrounding bushland for any form of illegal dumping and are authorised to issue fines of up to $2,000.

Shire Rangers may report any findings to the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation (DWER) which is responsible for the investigating and prosecuting of illegal dumping under the Environmental Protection Act.

Reporting of littering or illegal dumping anywhere within the Shire, should be reported to Ranger’s with as much information possible.

Illegal dumping is the unauthorised discharging or abandonment of waste and is an offence under Section 49A of the EP Act.  The offence carries a maximum fine of $125,000 for corporations and $62,500 for individuals.

Contact Information

Is there any identifying material/evidence contained within the waste?*This field is required.
Have you witnessed the offence?*This field is required.

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Report It

If you see something in the Shire of Coolgardie that’s unsafe and requires maintenance or fixing, you can report the issue directly to the Shire.

Report an issue with Snap, Send, Solve

Snap Send Solve is a free app that you can use to report issues to Shire of Coolgardie. 

This app allows you to send a photo of an issue or incident and choose from a range of popular options including; litter, parking, pavement, road, and trees. This request goes straight through our email system and are then processed like any other request.

Download the free app today:

Apple App Store Get it on Google Play

For urgent issues please contact the Shire directly on 9080 2111.