Emergency Contacts

Disclaimer: Contact details are true at time of publishing

In the event of an emergency situation where Police, Ambulance or Fire & Rescue are needed, please contact 000 immediately

For all other emergencies use the following contacts:

Emergency Contacts
Kambalda Police (08) 9028 3200
Coolgardie Police (08) 9093 8400
SES 132 500
Main Roads 138 138
For Power Outages, Emergencies and Faults - Western Power 13 13 51
For Water or Sewer Issues - Water Corporation 13 13 75
For Sewer Issues - Coolgardie Only (08) 9080 2111 or 0427 081 074
Dog Attacks - Coolgardie (08) 9080 2111 (follow the prompts)
Dog Attacks - Kambalda (08) 9080 2111 (follow the prompts)

For after-hours emergencies:

Call the Shire on (08) 9080 2111 and follow the prompts.

Only contact Rangers after-hours if it is regarding one of the above EMERGENCY situations.

Rangers will only respond to EMERGENCY situations after hours, if you require assistance from a Ranger regarding something other than the emergency situations listed above, please wait and call them during regular business hours.