Use it or Lose it!

Published on Friday, 3 May 2024 at 2:06:00 PM

Use It or Lose It. That was the message to all who attended Thursday, 2 May Seniors Staying Connected program with Yogi from Addlife Physio at the Kambalda Hotel.

Good balance is important for many activities we do. Balance is definitely something that becomes harder to maintain with age and a lack of balance can lead to falls and injuries.

Improving muscle strength, mobility and bone density all helps in improving our balance.

It was great to see so much interaction while finding the six tips to maintaining good body health – Keep active, Describe your fall to your GP, Medications, Hearing Check Up, Lighting, Talk to your friends/ family.

26 Seniors from Coolgardie and Kambalda made for a fun-filled morning with lots of laughter and jokes shared and this is what the Seniors Staying Connected program is all about.

A special mention of thank you to Yogi for his professionalism and caring and to Kambalda Hotel for the perfect venue and lovely morning tea.

A reminder of the upcoming events for June:

Thursday, 6 June              Emergency Awareness with local Police and St John Ambulance

Thursday, 20 June            Musical Stroll Down Memory Lane as well as the KWDHS Y2-6 Choir performance at 10.00 am

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