Business Directory Listing for Kambalda Cultural and Arts Group


Kambalda Cultural and Arts Group Inc
2 Marianthus Road KAMBALDA WEST Australia WA 6442
PO Box 97 Kambalda Australia WA 6442

We offer Art and Craft workshops, including pottery, painting, mosaics, photography and other.
Thursday craft days, 12pm - 2.30pm for adults and continuing from 3 to 4.30pm for kids. (Except during school holidays).
the Kambalda Arts Centre has a fine art gallery with local Goldfields art for sale as well as some beautiful locally made craft and souvenirs. We open each Saturday from 10am - 2pm and offer tours of the Centre featuring a pictorial history of Kambalda and nearby, not available anywhere else. In addition to this we have a wonderful herbarium, physically and digitally in a slide show and tours are welcome to visitors. Groups wanting to visit may do so by email, facebook or by visiting our web site.