Site Plan
In the below image you will find all the relevant information regarding Coolgardie Waste Facility including;
- Waste segregation locations
- Any site risks/hazards
- Emergency Muster Point

Accepted Waste
Scrap Metal
White Goods
Oil Dump
Gas Cyclinders
Building Rubble
Commercial General Waste
Weigh Bridge
Class III Waste
Scrap Metal
Scrap metal is recyclable and the Shire will avoid disposing scrap metals in the landfill whenever possible. Scrap metals include a number of materials such as aluminium, brass, copper, stainless steel, cast iron, lead, zinc and nickel. The Shire's waste facilities accept all types of ferrous and non-ferrous scrap metal. Please ensure your scrap metal is seperated from your load and disposed at the location indicated on the map.
White Goods
Many white goods contain harmful gases which need to be degassed by a qualified contractor before they can be recycled. Please dispose all degassed white goods at the location indicated on the map.
Oil Dump
Disposing of used oil incorrectly has the potential to pollute land, water and wildlife. All used oils including engine oil, machine oil, hydraulic oil, coolant oils and quenching oils, are classified as Prescribed Industrial Wastes. As a result, it is illegal to dispose oil into landfill or waterways. It is also illegal to send used oil filters to landfill. Please place all oils in the oil dump located on the map.
Gas Cylinders
Gas cylinders should not be placed in waste bins as they may explode when crushed. Before gas cylinders are disposed they should be degassed. Dispose gas cylinders at the location indicated on the map.
Building Rubble
This material will be used to assist compaction and rehabilitation of the waste facility.
Please separate clean concrete, bricks and rubble only and place in the location indicated on the map.
DO NOT include construction waste such as timber or plaster. These are to be disposed of in the general waste cell.
Commercial General Waste
Please place all residual waste in the general waste cell after all other indicated waste types have been removed.
(Hazard) The Shire uses controlled burning of green waste, as a management practice at waste facilities in accordance with the Waste Management Guidelines for small communities in WA.
The Shire intends to keep the open tip face as small as possible to reduce wind-blown litter. Please only deposit your waste where you can see existing exposed waste.
If you are unsure if a particular type of waste should be disposed in this cell, please contact the Shire of Coolgardie Manager of Waste Services on 0477 703 362 or email :
Weigh Bridge
Please proceed to the “Inbound” Box and obey traffic lights. You will tag in using your assigned Dallas Tag and capture your weight before disposing the waste. If you do not have a Dallas Tag, the weighbridge officer will record the weight.
Dallas Tags – will enable account holders to tag in and out of the Waste Facility hassle free and collect a receipt upon exit with charges and information regarding their load.
Each Dallas Tag will attract a $50.00 deposit. Once your account is closed with the Shire, will be refunded upon return of the tags. Replacement or lost tags will cost an additional $50.00.
It will be the customer's or driver's responsibility to return the receipt to the office for customers records and processing.
Please note - A fee will be charged for re-printing of receipts and accounts.
Prior to tyre disposal the Shire requires all earth moving and truck tyres to be cut in quarters. This can help reduce the volume of tyres.
Please ensure tyres are separated from your load and placed in the designated receival area.
Upon arriving at the Facility, Controlled Waste Tracking Forms must be presented to the weighbridge operator before unloading tyres.
Heavy earthmoving tyres must be cut into quarters prior to disposal and must be received as stand-alone loads.
Motorbike, Car, 4WD and Truck tyres must be shredded, or walls cut, and tread halved prior to disposal. These tyres cannot be mixed with heavy earthmoving tyres.
Tyres with rims will not be accepted. Disposal of uncut tyres will incur additional fees subject to arrangement.
Examples of tyres

Class III Waste
Class III refers to Waste that is inert and essentially insoluble (see definitions of terms in italics), usually including but not limited to materials such as rock, brick, glass, dirt, certain plastics, rubber, and similar materials that are not readily decomposable.
The following sites will be useful to determine what can be brought to this waste facility: