Shire of Coolgardie Waste Facility Induction for Commercial Customers

This is a 10 minute induction to capture your details and inform you on the requirements of the site you are about to visit. 

Have your personal and company details ready, you will need them to complete the form. 


Navigate through the different form sections using the navigation on the left, or use the next/previous buttons located at the bottom of each step.

Save Your Progress

You have the ability to save this form and complete it at a later date. An email will be generated and sent to the specified address.

Note: Incomplete forms are kept for a period of 2 day(s), after this time the system will automatically delete your response.

Fill out your personal and company details, please note you can save and restart the application . A copy of your details will be sent to Shire of Coolgardie.

Will you be using any other vehicles while accessing the site?

Condition of Entry

As a condition of entry ; All vehicles entering the site must be registered in accordance with the Traffic Act. All users of this site must be aware that, where a vehicle is unregistered and the owner cannot be located, the vehicle registration details will be recorded and reported to the Police as an unregistered vehicle.

Do not click next until you have completed the form above

The Why

The Why

At the Shire of Coolgardie best practice waste management is serious business because it is vital to keeping our community healthy

Best practice waste management means we are protecting our country, water, animals and people from toxic or dangerous chemicals and disease and we need everyone to play their part.

We are a remote location and our waste facilities services a small population, which means different waste rules apply to large metropolitan sites.

So what’s the difference?

Our customers must take extreme care in following our site plan and disposing waste in the correct location.

Required PPE

Personal Protective Equipment that customers are REQUIRED to wear onsite

  • Long-sleeved and legged high-visibility garments or high-visibility vests over other long-sleeved and legged garments
  • Steel-toed safety boots, with puncture-proof soles where the person may walk on waste deposits
  • Safety glasses
  • Gloves
I understand the PPE Requirements*This field is required.

Required Notice Periods and Contacts

Required Notice Periods and Contacts

24 hours’ notice must be given to the Shire (by customers) before disposing at waste facilities.

Coolgardie Waste Facility
Delivery times:  Monday to Friday (9 am - 3 pm); Saturday - Sunday (8 am - 2pm)
Phone: 0409 266 607

Kambalda Transfer Station
Delivery times:  Monday to Friday (9 am - 3 pm); Saturday - Sunday (8 am - 2 pm)
Phone: 0417 543 665

Client Requirements for Asbestos Waste

Asbestos Management

Requirements for Asbestos Waste

  1. Must be double wrapped in heavy-duty builder’s plastic and sealed to contain the fibres.
  2. Must be clearly labelled or marked with words “CAUTION - ASBESTOS” in letters no less than 50mm high on each package.
  3. Each bundle is to be taped completely around with packaging tape to ensure it is secured appropriately during transport or handling.
  4. The Shire will only accept bundles that can be unloaded with loader forks without dropping or breaking open.
  5. The Shire will not accept any asbestos in skip bins or tip trucks as the loader will not be able to pick the asbestos packages without damaging the sealed asbestos packages.
  6. The Shire will reject torn asbestos packages brought to the facility.


  • No acceptance of cash at the waste facility as EFTPOS is available.

          Note: Only authorised customers will be able to accrue charges to their account. Customers should consult the Shire fees and charges for the lastest asbestos disposal fees.

E-Waste - What is it?

E-Waste - What is it?

E-waste is any electrical or electronic equipment that’s been discarded. This includes working and broken items that are thrown in the garbage or donated to a charity reseller like Goodwill. Often, if the item goes unsold in the store, it will be thrown away. E-waste is particularly dangerous due to toxic chemicals that naturally leach from the metals inside when buried.

Image below shows products can be recycled.

Accepted Waste and Site Plan

Site Plan

In the below image you will find all the relevant information regarding Coolgardie Waste Facility including;

  • Waste segregation locations
  • Any site risks/hazards
  • Emergency Muster Point

Accepted Waste

Scrap Metal
White Goods
Oil Dump
Gas Cyclinders
Building Rubble
Commercial General Waste
Weigh Bridge
Class III Waste

Scrap Metal

Scrap metal is recyclable and the Shire will avoid disposing scrap metals in the landfill whenever possible. Scrap metals include a number of materials such as aluminium, brass, copper, stainless steel, cast iron, lead, zinc and nickel. The Shire's waste facilities accept all types of ferrous and non-ferrous scrap metal. Please ensure your scrap metal is seperated from your load and disposed at the location indicated on the map.

White Goods

Many white goods contain harmful gases which need to be degassed by a qualified contractor before they can be recycled. Please dispose all degassed white goods at the location indicated on the map.

Oil Dump

Disposing of used oil incorrectly has the potential to pollute land, water and wildlife. All used oils including engine oil, machine oil, hydraulic oil, coolant oils and quenching oils, are classified as Prescribed Industrial Wastes. As a result, it is illegal to dispose oil into landfill or waterways. It is also illegal to send used oil filters to landfill. Please place all oils in the oil dump located on the map. 

Gas Cylinders

Gas cylinders should not be placed in waste bins as they may explode when crushed. Before gas cylinders are disposed they should be degassed.  Dispose gas cylinders at the location indicated on the map.

Building Rubble

This material will be used to assist compaction and rehabilitation of the waste facility.

Please separate clean concrete, bricks and rubble only and place in the location indicated on the map.

DO NOT include construction waste such as timber or plaster. These are to be disposed of in the general waste cell.

Commercial General Waste

Please place all residual waste in the general waste cell after all other indicated waste types have been removed.  

(Hazard) The Shire uses controlled burning of green waste, as a management practice at waste facilities in accordance with the Waste Management Guidelines for small communities in WA.

The Shire intends to keep the open tip face as small as possible to reduce wind-blown litter. Please only deposit your waste where you can see existing exposed waste.

If you are unsure if a particular type of waste should be disposed in this cell, please contact the Shire of Coolgardie Manager of Waste Services on 0477 703 362 or email :

Weigh Bridge

Please proceed to the “Inbound” Box and obey traffic lights.  You will tag in using your assigned Dallas Tag and capture your weight before disposing the waste. If you do not have a Dallas Tag, the weighbridge officer will record the weight.

Dallas Tags – will enable account holders to tag in and out of the Waste Facility hassle free and collect a receipt upon exit with charges and information regarding their load.

Each Dallas Tag will attract a $50.00 deposit. Once your account is closed with the Shire, will be refunded upon return of the tags. Replacement or lost tags will cost an additional $50.00.

It will be the customer's or driver's responsibility to return the receipt to the office for customers records and processing. 

Please note - A fee will be charged for re-printing of receipts and accounts.


Prior to tyre disposal the Shire requires all earth moving and truck tyres to be cut in quarters. This can help reduce the volume of tyres.

Please ensure tyres are separated from your load and placed in the designated receival area.

Upon arriving at the Facility, Controlled Waste Tracking Forms must be presented to the weighbridge operator before unloading tyres.

Heavy earthmoving tyres must be cut into quarters prior to disposal and must be received as stand-alone loads.

Motorbike, Car, 4WD and Truck tyres must be shredded, or walls cut, and tread halved prior to disposal. These tyres cannot be mixed with heavy earthmoving tyres.

Tyres with rims will not be accepted. Disposal of uncut tyres will incur additional fees subject to arrangement.

Examples of tyres

Class III Waste

Class III refers to Waste that is inert and essentially insoluble (see definitions of terms in italics), usually including but not limited to materials such as rock, brick, glass, dirt, certain plastics, rubber, and similar materials that are not readily decomposable.

The following sites will be useful to determine what can be brought to this waste facility:

I declare that the products I am carrying to the Waste Facility are a true reflection of what I declared at the gate

Unaccepted Waste

Unaccepted Waste

  • Acids and basic solutions
  • Medical Waste
  • Grease trap waste
  • Sewerage

All other listed waste specified above class III with the exception of those sign posted at the site

If a waste is classified as a controlled waste (including all class III wastes), transportation of the waste to site must be by a Department of Water and Environmental Regulation (DWER)  licensed controlled waste carrier. A list of licensed controlled waste carriers can be found on the controlled waste tracking system (CWTS) on the DWER website.

A controlled waste tracking form must also be presented to the weighbridge officer upon arrival at site. Waste arriving on site without a waste acceptance approval, or controlled waste tracking form cannot be accepted.

The transport and inappropriate disposal of contaminated waste may render the transporter liable to significant fines by the DWER.

I understand what waste is not accepted at this site

Hazards On Site

Hazards On Site

  • Heavy machinery movements
  • Hazardous waste
  • Noise
  • Dust
  • Uneven surfaces
  • Routine burning - smoke
  • Wild animals
  • Weigh bridge



In case of an emergency contact;

0477 703 362 or 08 9080 2111.

Download the site map here. Save it to your device for the next time you are entering the Coolgardie Waste Facility site.

I understand where the emergency muster point is
I have taken note of the site emergency numbers

Fees and Charges

Fees and Charges

There are fees for commercial customers of the Shire's Waste Management Facilities. Income from these fees are directly invested into managing waste facilities, including exporting as many recyclable and hazardous waste streams as possible and ensuring sites are rehabilitated at their end of life.

Current fees and charges can be accessed here.

Purchase Orders

Customers requiring a purchase order before invoicing will need to arrange this before visiting the waste facility.

Debtor Account Registration

Download debtor form here and email to

I understand that commercial fees for disposing waste are applicable*This field is required.

Thank you

Thank You

You have completed the Shire of Coolgardie Waste Facility Induction for Commercial Customers.

For any further information about Waste Services in Coolgardie, please contact;


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