To obtain a swipe card for One Tree Day Care please fill out the form below.
Terms and Conditions
Please click here for the full terms and conditions.
Replacement cards: $30 ( Non-Refundable)
I understand that this card only entitles me to access the Kambalda Community Recreation Facility through the Child Care Centre.
Access during day-care operational hours Monday to Friday 7.30am -4.30pm.
If this card is misplaced I understand I will incur a fee of $30 for another replacement card.
I acknowledge that the service access card to enter the building is a may not be transferred to any other person without he consent of the Shire of Coolgardie.
I acknowledge that during such times I am on the premises (or its surrounds) both my property and my person shall be at my own risk and I will not hold the Shire of Coolgardie (or its employees) liable for any personal injury or loss of property however caused.
I have received the Terms and Conditions of which I agree to observe and be bound.
Members Signature: ___________________________________
Date: _____________________