New Kambalda gym ramp rolled out to community

Published on Wednesday, 6 October 2021 at 3:28:52 PM

Local resident Malcolm Cross (pictured) is proud to see a new ramp installed and ready for use at the Kambalda Community Recreation Facility Gym. The ramp was requested by Mr Cross who said

“When the Recreation Centre was built there wasn’t much inclusivity for the disabled, but now the ramp is in place it will provide increased access to the Gym for disabled people 24/7”

CR Tracey Rathbone said “The Shire of Coolgardie is committed to our Disability Access and  Inclusion Plan and ensuring that community facilities are accessible for and inclusive of people with disability, their families and carers. It is important that they are given the same opportunities and choices as other people, so they are able to participate in community life. We will continue to work towards the goal of all Shire-owned buildings and facilities meeting the standards for access and any demonstrated additional need, the ramp to the gym is a part of that”

The Kambalda Community Recreation Centre’s gym is accessible by members 24/7 with a swipe card. If you would like to know more about the gym or a gym membership, please call the Kambalda Community Recreation Facility’s customer service team on 9080 2111.

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